What is the Bill of Lading?

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What is the Bill of Lading?

It is the most important document in maritime and inland waterway transport. This is the shipper's proof that he handed over the goods to the carrier (he loaded them on board the ship). It accurately describes the conditions of carriage and confirms the conclusion of the contract. Issued by the forwarder, it must be signed by the carrier. It is not a contract for the transport of cargo, but it confirms the receipt of goods and obliges to deliver them to the recipient at a specific place and time. It differs from other consignment notes primarily in that it is a security. As a result, anyone who presents the Bill of Lading may take over the goods contained in it and dispose of it, and the document itself may be the subject of commercial sales and purchase transactions. Hence the important rule is that it is not possible to issue a duplicate bill of lading and in the event of its loss, the release of the goods will be suspended until the original is delivered.

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