
Closed loop business model


 Revive Fashion: Reducing Waste, Unleashing Style

Innovative initiative dedicated to transforming the fashion industry by tackling the issue of waste head-on.


The Less Waste More Fashion project was created with the Planet in mind and aims to reduce the negative impact of the textile industry on the environment. The impact of the greenhouse effect on the climate, as well as the growing environmental awareness among people, has prompted the need to take action to reduce the negative impact of the clothing industry on our environment.


As part of this project, new EU directives have been included which aim to reduce the consumption of natural resources, cut greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development. The textile industry, one of the main contributors to environmental pollution, has been particularly reviewed and new regulations have been introduced that require changes in production processes and waste management.


The EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles in a Closed Circuit stipulates:


By 2030, textile products placed on the EU market will be sustainable and recyclable, largely made of recycled fibres, free of hazardous substances and produced with respect for social and environmental rights.


Consumers will benefit longer from quality textiles at an affordable price, fast fashion will go out of fashion and cost-effective reuse and repair services will be widely available


In a competitive, resilient and innovative textile sector, producers will take responsibility for their products throughout the value chain, including when they become waste.



Less Waste More Fashion

“Revamp, Reuse, Redefine:Less Waste, More Fashion!”
  About the project

It is giving things a second life and a second chance to find a new owner who appreciates their value. Quality defects in terms of colour fastness, tear strength or the quality of zips and seams are among the main reasons why consumers throw away or return clothes.


Instead of storing or disposing of clothes, the ‘Less Waste More Fashion’ project encourages large clothing corporations to resell their clothes. By promoting a circular economy and a ‘repair instead of replace’ approach, the project aims to extend the life cycle of garments and minimise the waste generated.


The ‘Less Waste More Fashion” project not only promotes environmental protection, but also supports the economic development of local communities. It creates jobs related to the repair, refurbishment and resale of defective garments

"Less Waste More Fashion" is an innovative project that focuses on putting defective items, mainly consumer returns, back into circulation.

Our team understands that the consumer market is changing rapidly and that customers are looking for increasingly sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. Therefore, ‘Less Waste More Fashion’aims to create an alternative to the traditional retail model, enabling consumers to purchase products at attractive prices while reducing the negative impact on the environment.

Our team understands that the consumer market is changing rapidly and that customers are looking for increasingly sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. Therefore, ‘Less Waste More Fashion’aims to create an alternative to the traditional retail model, enabling consumers to purchase products at attractive prices while reducing the negative impact on the environment.

Our team understands that the consumer market is changing rapidly and that customers are looking for increasingly sustainable and eco-friendly solutions.

As part of the ‘Less Waste More Fashion’ project, we have developed a:



RenewSell is a software that serves as a compre-hensive tool for managing and optimising the process of refurbishing garments with defects and selling them to outlet shop chains. >With functions such as scanning, repair, sales, warehouse manage-ment and reporting, the programme makes the activities involved in this process much easier and more efficient.


We are currently trying to get a patent for this programme to officially present it. Goods with a defect, upon arrival at our warehouse, are completely checked, sorted, repaired and individually prepared for the individual order.

We are currently trying to get a patent for this programme to officially present it. Goods with a defect, upon arrival at our warehouse, are completely checked, sorted, repaired and individually prepared for the individual order.


حقائق وأرقام ونتائج ملموسة

تحقق من نتائجنا وقم بتقييمها بنفسك


تاريخ بدء العمليات التجارية

2 500 000

الأصناف المتوفرة في المخزون


البلدان التي نعمل فيها


أفضل علامات تجارية للملابس المعروضة

نحن نعمل في 66 دولة، ونوفر جميع الإجراءات الرسمية

نحن في خدمتك، حيث تنمو أعمالك

نحن هنا من أجلك
16 عامًا من الخبرة
2 500 000
قطعة في المخزون
15 000
متر مربع من مساحة التخزين

سنزود شركتك بأعلى جودة من الملابس ذات العلامات التجارية الشهيرة

مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات المصممة حسب احتياجاتك

44 علامة تجارية مشهورة عالميًا للملابس في عرض مستمر
-95% من السعر بالنسبة لأسعار التجزئة
نعمل في 66 دولة، مع خدمات لوجستية كاملة
2 500 000 قطعة متوفرة في المخزون
الرضا التام والرضا عن التعاون
مساحة تخزين ممتلئة تبلغ 15 000 م2
لنتقابل ونتحدث

نحن في خدمتكم. قم بزيارتنا شخصيًا

مرحبًا بك دائمًا! سنكون سعداء للتحدث عن احتياجات شركتك وسوف تعرض وتختار من بين 2 000 000 بند في المخزون والعلامات التجارية والمجموعات التي تناسبك!

حقوق النشر والنسخ؛ لعام 2024 لصالح STOCK Poland. جميع الحقوق محفوظة

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البحث في الموقع


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+48 882 34 44 74

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33-311 Wielogłowy 85, POLAND

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لقد قرأت الشروط والأحكام وسياسة الخصوصية ووافقت عليها

استرداد كلمة المرور

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لقد قرأت الشروط والأحكام وسياسة الخصوصية ووافقت عليها