What’s the mean DAP Incoterms 2020?

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What’s the mean DAP Incoterms 2020?

DAP Delivered at Place - means the Seller's obligation to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the designated place. It should be noted, however, that it does not apply to the obligation to unload goods. It is the Buyer who organizes the unloading of the goods that the Seller delivers. The dap delivery conditions oblige the Seller to perform customs clearance of goods for export. However, the seller is not obliged, after delivery, to perform customs clearance for import or transit through third countries. Therefore, it does not have to pay customs duties or complete any customs formalities on imports. As a result, if the Buyer does not arrange for import clearance, the goods will be detained at the port or internal terminal in the country of destination. Delivered at Place - means the Seller's obligation to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the designated place. It should be noted, however, that it does not apply to the obligation to unload goods. It is the Buyer who organizes the unloading of the goods that the Seller delivers. The dap delivery conditions oblige the Seller to perform customs clearance of goods for export. However, the seller is not obliged, after delivery, to perform customs clearance for import or transit through third countries. Therefore, it does not have to pay customs duties or complete any customs formalities on imports. As a result, if the Buyer does not arrange for import clearance, the goods will be detained at the port or internal terminal in the country of destination.

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